Personal Safety Tip

Living in Toronto is a pretty safe bet for the most part however, it still is good to keep safe.
Here is a handy way to use an alarm system you already own: Your car.

Here’s a short, but useful tip you can share with your clients to help keep them safe:
Have you ever thought to use your car key “PANIC” button as a personal safety alarm?

Here are some ways you can use the panic button in emergency situations:
1. Put your car keys beside your bed at night. Should you wake up to strange noises or sense an intruder might be in the house, press the panic button to set your car alarm going. It will continue to sound until you turn it off or the car battery dies.

2. Do you care for a loved one prone to falls? Purchase a spare key fob for their car and notify their neighbors that if they hear a horn honking next door to please check in and make sure your loved one is OK.

3. Feeling a little insecure in a parking garage at night? Don’t like the way someone is approaching you in a parking lot? Hit that panic button to draw attention to the situation. In many cases, the noise will be enough to deter a potential crime.