Mortgage Calculators



Current Daily Rates

Some conditions may apply. Rates may vary from Province to Province. Rates subject to change without notice. *O.A.C. E.& O.E.

Rent vs. Buy Calculator

Simply fill in your current rent and what your anticipated costs of home ownership are, and this calculator will tell you whether you’re better off renting or buying. Of course, if you’d like a more comprehensive analysis of your situation—along with expert unbiased advice—feel free to talk to your Mortgage Specialist


Maximum Mortgage Calculator

This calculator will tell you the maximum mortgage amount and monthly payment you can qualify for based on your income and existing expenses. If you’d like some help with this calculation, or you have special circumstances not covered
in this calculator, feel free to talk to your Mortgage Specialist.


Mortgage Qualifier

Like the Maximum Mortgage Calculator, this calculator shows you how much mortgage you can afford. But this time, you can put in the house price you have in mind, along with your expenses, and the calculator will show you how much income you’ll need to qualify. Again, feel free to talk to your Mortgage Specialist if you’d like a thorough analysis of your specific situation.


Mortgage Payment Calculator

Simply fill in your purchase price, downpayment, amortization and payment frequency, and this calculator will show you how much your payments will be and the total amount of interest you’ll pay over the life of the mortgage. If you’d like help deciding whether you can afford this level of payments over the long term, feel free to talk to your Mortgage Specialist.


Mortgage Isolator Calculator

Like the Mortgage Payment Calculator, this calculator shows you how much your payments will be. But here you can isolate and change your payment frequency, amortization, mortgage amount, interest rate or payment size to see what effect it will have on the other variables. If you need help performing this—or any other calculation—feel free to talk to your Mortgage Specialist.

These tools are provided for educational and illustrative purposes only. The accuracy of the calculations and their applicability to your circumstances are not guaranteed.

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